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The Full Story

About Our Company Director

My name is Amanda McEvoy and I am the Company Director of McEvoy Training Solutions Ltd. I have always been passionate about development and personal growth. With a strong background in learning & development, I extended that passion to developing others. In 2011 after the birth of my second child, I decided to set up my own company and share that passion on a wider platform. As the business has expanded, I have refined the areas where I can support employees and businesses and now focus mainly on Insights Discovery, Mental Health First Aid, & Menopause.


Our mission is to provide high quality, bespoke interventions to organisations to support them in supporting their staff with learning, development and health and wellbeing.


We would love people to experience a workplace culture that is supportive, has room for growth and development and where people can be themselves and express any issues openly. To be able to talk honestly about mental health challenges and seek support for this, menopause and any other challenges. To develop leaders who have the capability to adapt and be courageous in their conversations, to support their staff to overcome challenges, grow and flourish.


Christine Catlin, Deputy Director Learning, Development & Organisational Development 

I have known Amanda professionally for over 15 years and during that time she has developed and honed her portfolio of work, to work to her complete strengths and abilities. Whether it is team facilitation, project management, advice on specific topics, if they are in her portfolio (i.e. Insights, menopause awareness , mental health first aid to name just  a couple) she will give 100% to ensure you are supported. She works well with teams of all differing backgrounds but is singularly motivated to work on a project on her own to achieve a specific piece of work you may need doing.

Lisa McCallum, Independant Travel Consultant

I appreciate this might sound a bit woo woo but the results from my Insights Discovery Profile were fascinating and spot on!  I would highly recommend having your colour energy analysed, it will help you understand how and who you work with best.

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